Market Limitations
Currently the market is saturated with products that measure head acceleration. Products such as Shockbox, Triax Sim-P, and FITGuard all rely on accelerometers. The issue with this solution is that they are limited in accuracy, effectiveness, and reliability. A quick google search of “head impact sensors,” brings up numerous academic papers criticizing the limitations of this technology. Moreover, the devices’ ability to predict a concussion by counting the number of “hits” is unreliable due to varying body mass and rapid body motions of athletes during a game. All of these technologies average around the $200 price range and 1 of them has been discontinued.
There are cheap physical sensors that can be found online around the $30 range such as the Rosh and Tozuda sensors. These basic devices show physical change when a force of a certain threshold is reached. They are unable to give any vitals information of the athlete and require a visual inspection to determine if an athlete needs further examination after a game.
Our Solution
Artifacts overcomes these issues by not only relying on an accelerometer but also integrating heart rate variability metrics into our sensors. Not only is our device more accurate and reliable than the competition but is also simple enough to be manufactured for $200 including all of our advanced features. Artifacts wants to help reduce concussions and be the key to a critical need.